
God blesses who?

Americans ask it a lot, several times every day for about every event or person that could use some support, some kind of protection or just because they claim the right. Even the president and other American politicians ask it, although church and state are separated since 1791: God bless you, us and America!

God blessed America with 440.095 killings by gunfire in the period of 2004-2014. Or didn't he? It seems to me, that God is not able to bless America, or he does not want to bless America. In case God wanders around somewhere, he was definitely not in Las Vegas some days ago. At least not for the 59 killed and the hundreds of wounded victims, although some of these victims might think he saved their lives.

And where did God wander around during Katrina, Harvey, Irma, José? Perhaps He was busy blessing Trump complementing himself or He was occupied by saving Melania's stiletto's. It seems to me, that God also does a great job saving weapon industries and creating dangerous evil minds. Don't tell me it's the devil, responsabel for their metamorphosis, because they also pray to God. No, if there is a God, he is probably done with America.

Do Americans know anything about real civilization? Something like 'weapons are dangerous and wrong' or 'everyone is entitled to health insurance' or 'refugees are no terrorist'? Being Dutch, Americans seem like underdeveloped humans, mostly only committed with their own little space on this earth; believing ridiculous stories about other countries, like the Dutch killing their elderly.

Does God want to bless America, a criminal like Trump, a people that does not want to verify truth and lies, except for Michael Moore and fans? It's not up to me, to give an answer. It's up to the Americans to figure out if it wouldn't be wiser to stop asking for blessings and start working on a new civilization, one in which people really care for each other.

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